Welcome to Blairland Baptist Church!

Sunday School 10:00 AM | Morning Worship 11:00 AM

New Sermons

Jesus, The Baptist

Sunday March 23, 2025 Matthew 3:13-17  I. The INTENTION of Jesus (v.13) II. The INTERRUPTION by John (v.14) III. The INSISTENCE by the Savior (v.15) IV. The INCIDENT in Detail (v.16a) V. The IMPORTANCE of the Display (vv.16b-17)

Showdown in the Wilderness

Matthew 4:1-11 I. The Build-up to the Battle (vv.1-2) II. Round #1- The Attack on IDENTITY with Provision (vv.3-4) III. Round #2- The Attack on SECURITY with Protection (vv.5-7) IV. Round #3- The Attack on AUTHORITY with Promotion (vv.8-10) V. Post-Fight Drama (v.11)

Access Granted!

Hebrews 10:19-23 I.  The ACCESS that Grants our Acceptance before God. (vv.19-21) II. The ASSURANCE that Guarantees our Approach to God. (v.22) III. The ANCHOR that Guards our Attention to the Faith. (v.23)

Online Giving

Tithe and give offerings online:

  • Give one-time
  • Schedule recurring giving
  • Location Details

    730 Steekee Street Loudon, Tennessee 37774

    • Sunday: 
      Sunday School 10:00 AM
      Morning Worship,  In-Person and Live Stream at 11:00 AM

      Prayer Meeting / Bible Study 6:00 PM
      Team Kid 6:00 PM
      Youth Quake 6:00 PM

    • Phone: 865-458-5790