Sunday January 1, 2023

Sunday January 1, 2023

Love God, Serve Others, Change the World

730 Steekee Street
Loudon, TN  37774
Phone 865-458-5790
Pastor Jon Henson

Morning Praise and Worship

Call to Worship

“Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty”  3
“He is Here”  222

Welcome: Pastor Henson

Celebration Hymns
“I’ll Live For Him” 590
“Where He Leads Me”  593

Praise & Worship
“Today is the Day”
“A Thousand Hallelujahs”

Message from God’s Word: Pastor Henson
“Watch The Clock”   Psalms 118:24

Invitation: Just As I Am”

Closing Celebration
“I Will Serve Thee”   680

Honduras Mission Trip/Rice Bowl News!

We will welcome to our services next Sunday, January 8th: Johnny Ramantanin, from Rice Bowls of Spartanburg, SC.

We have been partnering with Rice Bowls for several years in our Upward basketball program. Johnny is our contact and fellow partner who assists our mission team on our trips to Good Shepherd Children’s Home in Honduras. He is a true “Hunger Fighter” who has dedicated his life to ministering and feeding children.

It is a pleasure to partner with Rice Bowls and serve alongside Johnny.

We currently have (7) church members signed up for our Honduras trip this year to Good Shepherd Children’s Home on June 9-16, 2023. Please consider joining us on this trip which will change your life.
We will be taking up a “Love Offering” after the service next Sunday, January 8 and you can also give online to our Honduras trip.
Thank you for your prayerful consideration to help offset the costs of the trip.  Please continue to pray for the children and those that help at the Good Shepherd Children’s Home .

Please contact Jeff Harris for more information.


First game is Saturday, January 7, 2023

Ministry Opportunity – During the Upward season there are many ways to minister and help on any Saturday. You can come sit in the stands and fellowship with visitors, greet people at the front door, work in the concession stand, or help clean up at the end of the day.

We are very thankful for our volunteers who help through the week, and every Saturday. If you would like to volunteer please see Jeff Harris or call the church office at 865-458-5790.

Please continue to pray for all our children, youth, coaches, referees and volunteers that participate/help each week in Upward.

 Church Offering Envelopes:  For those that use our church offering envelopes. We have new envelopes & your number has stayed the same.  There is a table set up with envelopes and your name (for those that used them last year). Please make sure you pick up the correct box with your name on it.

If you would like to use envelopes this year and haven’t in the past, please write your name and phone number on paper that is on the table and Leslie Bivens will get envelopes to you.

*If  use envelopes, give online or by check you will receive a statement of your 2022 giving soon.


Many thanks to those that have prayed, supported, & given to missions. You have become part of God’s story around the world. It’s all about Him and telling the Good News!

 Just A Reminder – We have a convenient way for you to financially support Blairland Baptist Church.

You can give online, set up recurring gifts, and even text or email a gift from your mobile phone using “Pushpay”.

Check it out at our website Give page  or you can use a smartphone and text “give” to 833-921-6763 and follow the prompts.

You can still give at church like you always have, this is just a convenient way we want to offer as another option for you. If you have any questions please feel free to call the church office at 865-458-5790.

Loudon County Fresh Pantry Mobile Distribution sponsored by Second Harvest Food Bank is every third Friday, at our church from 10:00AM – 12:00PM.  If anyone would like to help, please meet on Friday January 20 at 9:45AM

Nursery & Children’s Church
Sunday, January 1 (Today)

Worship – Jaida Grady & Katie Belvin
(Ages: Babies – 2 yrs.)

Children’s Church (Fellowship Hall)
11:00am –Leslie & Blair Bivens
(Ages 3yrs. – 2nd grade)

NEXT Sunday, January 8
Worship -–Joy & Kayla Trout
(Ages: Babies – 2 yrs.)

Children’s Church (Fellowship Hall)
11:00am –Angie & Ian Tallent
(Ages 3yrs. – 2nd grade)

Weekly offering December 25, 2022
Regular               $5,912.00
Missions                  $50.00
Building Fund      $180.00

Online                  $1,899.70
   Building Fund      $75.55
Total:                  $8,117.25