Sunday January 22, 2023

Sunday January 22, 2023

Love God, Serve Others, Change the World
730 Steekee Street
Loudon, TN  37774
Phone 865-458-5790
Pastor Jon Henson

Morning Praise and Worship

Call to Worship
“He Keeps Me Singing”  746
“Alleluia”  189

Welcome: Pastor Henson

Celebration Hymns
“He Lifted Me”  509
“Jesus Is All the World to Me”  512

Praise & Worship
“Living Hope”
“In Christ Alone (My Hope Is Found)”

Message from God’s Word:
Reset 2023 – Look Back to the Past
Deuteronomy 6:20-25

Invitation: Just As I Am”  488

Closing Celebration
“There Is Something About That Name”  83

Honduras Mission Trip/Rice Bowl News!

We have been partnering with Rice Bowls for several years in our Upward basketball program.  Our mission team will be going on a trip to Good Shepherd Children’s Home in Honduras again in June.  Thank you for your prayerful consideration to help offset the costs of the trip.
Please continue to pray for the children and those that help at the Good Shepherd Children’s Home .  Please contact Jeff Harris for more information.


Practices continue during the week; Next game is Saturday, January 28, 2023

Upward Ministry Opportunity – there are many ways to minister and help on any Saturday. You can come sit in the stands and fellowship with visitors, greet people at the front door, work in the concession stand, or help clean up at the end of the day.

We are very thankful for our volunteers who help through the week, and every Saturday. If you would like to volunteer please see Jeff Harris or call the church office at 865-458-5790.

Please continue to pray for all our children, youth, coaches, referees and volunteers that participate/help each week in Upward.

~ In Loving Memory ~

 A contribution has been made to the building fund in loving memory of Annie Everett by Loudon High School, Charles & Sue White, & Ellajo Thompson.  Thank you for these contributions to our church.

Congratulations! Jennifer Conner and Charlie Henderson will be getting married soon. We are so excited and happy for them.  We are collecting money for them the next few weeks. If you would like to give, please see Leslie Bivens or Karen Harris.

Upcoming Events

Baby Shower! You’re invited to attend a Baby Shower for Jordan & Katie Belvin on Today in the fellowship hall at 2:00pm.  It’s a boy! They are registered at Amazon & Buy Buy Baby.

Deacon’s Meeting – Today at 4:00pm.

Soul Sisters – Thursday, January 26th at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall.

Loudon County Fresh Pantry Mobile Distribution sponsored by Second Harvest Food Bank is every third Friday, at our church from 10:00AM – 12:00PM.  If anyone would like to help, please meet on Friday February 17at 9:45AM

Nursery & Children’s Church
Sunday, January 22 (Today)


11:00am Worship – Leslie & Blair Bivens
(Ages: Babies – 2 yrs.)

Children’s Church (Fellowship Hall)
11:00am – Casey Goodwin & Kelcie Tallent
(Ages 3yrs. – 2nd grade)

NEXT Sunday, January 29
Worship – Lucinda Wayman
(Ages: Babies – 2 yrs.)

Children’s Church (Fellowship Hall)
11:00am – Kari & Jackson Presley
(Ages 3yrs. – 2nd grade)

Weekly Offering January 8, 2023
Regular                                 $5,392.50
Mission Trip – Honduras    $140.00
Special Offering                   $100.00
  Building Fund                      $490.00

Online                                 $2,043.60
Building Fund                        $50.00      
Total:                                 $8,741.10