Sunday March 5, 2023

Sunday March 5, 2023

Love God, Serve Others, Change the World
730 Steekee Street
Loudon, TN  37774
Phone 865-458-5790
Pastor Jon Henson

Morning Praise and Worship

Call to Worship
“The Lily of the Valley” 626
“Let’s Just Praise the Lord” 18

Welcome: Pastor Henson

Celebration Hymns
“Footsteps of Jesus” 685
“A Child of the King” 574

Praise & Worship
“Worship Jesus Medley”
“My Jesus”

Message from God’s Word
“Are You Walking With God?”
Genesis 5:21-24

Invitation: Just as I Am” 488

Closing Celebration
“Sanctuary” 655

Honduras Mission Trip/Rice Bowl News!

Our mission team is going on a trip to Good Shepherd Children’s Home. in Honduras in June.
Please continue to pray for the children and those that help at the Good Shepherd Children’s Home and RICEBOWLS.
Please continue to pray for this trip that God will do a great work while they are there!

Thank you so much to those that prepared food and to everyone that came and supported our Honduras Fundraiser Dinner.

Fundraiser Dinner – $2,790.50
Donations we have received towards the mission trip from January & February – $6,390.46

To God be the Glory, we have received $9,180.96 towards the mission trip. Thank you for giving, we truly appreciate it. May God bless you!

Thank you!

Dear Church family, Thank you for the cards, visits, food and most of all your love & prayers during the passing of our mother Frances.
Ann Trout, Myra Gallone, Eddie Williams, David Williams and families

Congratulations to Jennifer (Conner) and Charlie Henderson who were married last Friday. We wish them the very best!

~ Thank you ~

 Dear Church Family,

You have been pouring love into my family for generations. I remember coming here as a very young child to listen to my grandfather preach. As a teenager I attended some of the youth activities you hosted.
Later, I returned with my child and we planted roots here, and you nurtured and loved us. Then came Charlie and you accepted him with open arms. My words cannot adequately express what my heart feels. To put it simply, you are a blessing to my family and we are so grateful for all you have done over the years. Thank you for the incredibly generous wedding gift.  Jennifer (Conner) Henderson

Loudon County Fresh Pantry Mobile Distribution sponsored by Second Harvest Food Bank is every third Friday, at our church from 10:00AM – 12:00PM.  If anyone would like to help, please meet on Friday March 17at 9:45AM                                                         


 Journey Camp is a fun-filled, energetic camp designed to engage elementary age kids in age-appropriate worship, Bible study, recreation, track times, and other exciting camp activities.

Journey Camp is grounded in scripture and is intentionally gospel centered.  Our desire is to see kids experience God in such a way that it will impact their journey of faith for a lifetime.
Camp Dates: June 30 – July 2, 2023
Camp Location: Camp Carson, Newport, TN

This camp is for children who will complete 1st-6th grade this school year. Please sign up on the sheet posted in the foyer of the fellowship hall and pay a nonrefundable $50 deposit by March 12th. The church will pay the remaining balance.

For more information about camp, sponsoring a camper or requesting sponsorship for your camper, please contact Jennifer Conner or Jeff Harris. For those interested in being an adult chaperone, please sign up on the sheet as well.

Nursery & Children’s Church
Sunday, March 5 (Today)


11:00am Worship -Dustin & Kasey Lyles
(Ages: Babies – 2 yrs.)

Children’s Church (Fellowship Hall)
11:00am – Leslie & Lucas Bivens
(Ages 3yrs. – 2nd grade)

NEXT Sunday, March 12
Worship – Gabe & Lakin Hampton
(Ages: Babies – 2 yrs.)

Children’s Church (Fellowship Hall)
11:00am – Kari & Jackson Presley
(Ages 3yrs. – 2nd grade)

In Loving Memory

Memorial contributions have been made to the church in loving memory of Frances Williams by Jeff & Karen Harris, Janie Davis, Kim West, Rhonda Tallent and Leslie Bivens.
Thank you for these contributions.                               

Weekly Offering February 26, 2023
Regular                                  $3,284.00
Mission Trip – Honduras  $3,240.50
  Building Fund                       $605.00

Online                                      $940.40
Mission Trip – Honduras      $120.00
Building Fund                          $25.00
Total:                                   $8,219.90