Sunday July 30, 2023

Sunday July 30, 2023

Love God, Serve Others, Change the World
730 Steekee Street
Loudon, TN  37774
Phone 865-458-5790
Pastor Jon Henson

Morning Praise and Worship

Call to Worship
“Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” 11
“Glorify Thy Name” 9

Welcome: Pastor Henson

 Celebration Hymns
“The Old – Rugged  Cross” 327
“There is a Fountain”  336

Message Grom God’s Word: Pastor Henson
“Do You Know You Can Have Eternal Life”
2 Peter 1:10-11

Just As I Am”  488

Closing Celebration
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus”  340

A Letter from Phil Holmes, LCBA Director of Missions…

Dear churches of the Loudon County Baptist Association,
July 1st was my 13th anniversary of being the Director of Missions for the Loudon County Baptist Association.  Time has flown by as we have seen so many blessings from the Lord in walking alongside you all and your church families over this time.  I have grown to love you so dearly and to feel loved by you as well!
When the Lord speaks, Leslie and I have always sought His heart to be obedient to Him.  Therefore, we believe He is speaking to us about our future.  We have discerned that we are to retire from the DOM position effective August 6th.
One of the major reasons for this decision is to move back to our home town of Jacksonville, Alabama, where my parents and sister live, so we can be close to mom and dad in their elderly years.  We are grateful to the Lord for giving us this time with them.
We will continue in ministry as we are working on being certified in Biblical Counseling through the Association of Certified Biblical Counselors. We also will be working to create Marriage Retreats for churches, and we hope your church (or a group of churches here) would ask us back to lead in these.
We plead with you to pray for us as we step out into the unknown again because the Lord is speaking and we want to be obedient.  We are trusting that He is working out all the details that allow us to be present for our parents.  We will continue to pray for you all as we want to keep up with all of the churches and how the Lord is using you to bring people to Jesus.
Your brother in Christ,
Phil Holmes

You’re invited to attend Phil’s retirement party today from 2:00pm – 4:00pm. It will be here in the MAC



The first Wednesday of the August we have “GLOW” (God Lights Our World) for Children & Youth.
Wednesday, August 2, 6:00pm -7:30pm
Join us for Bible story, Sno-biz, crafts, & SHINE Puppets!

Take Note! On Wednesday, August 9th – No Bible Study, Team Kid or Youth Quake due to our gym/MAC will be set up for our children’s consignment sale.

*Students & Parents!  Students will “move up/promote” in Sunday school on Sunday, August 6th.

Team Kid/Youth Quake’s day will be Wednesday, August 16th.
Depending how old your child is or what grade they are in – they may stay in the same class or they may move up. Their teacher will let them know.

Children’s Consignment Sale: Friday – Saturday, August 11 – 12, 2023 If you need tags or more information please see Kari Presley, Kim Capshaw or call Leslie Bivens at the church office: 865-458-5790.

Remember in Prayer

Our students, teachers, & staff as they go back to school/college.
We declare the words of Jeremiah for each one……
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
We pray 2023 – 2024 is a wonderful, safe, & fun year for all. We pray that students and adults can let their light shine for Christ. May God bless you. 

                        ~ In Loving Memory ~
A contribution has been made to the building fund in memory of Betty McCulloch by the Willing Workers Sunday School Class.  Thank you for this contribution.

Nursery & Children’s Church
Sunday, July 30 (Today)
Worship – Dustin & Kasey Lyles
(Ages: Babies – 2 yrs.)

Children’s Church (Fellowship Hall)
11:00am – Kari & Jackson Presley
(Ages 3yrs. – 2nd grade)

Sunday, August 6 (Next Week)
Worship – Joy & Kayla Trout
(Ages: Babies – 2 yrs.)

Children’s Church (Fellowship Hall)
11:00am – Leslie & Lucas Bivens
(Ages 3yrs. – 2nd grade)

Weekly Offering July 23, 2023
Regular                  $4,960.00
Missions                     $50.00
Building Fund         $500.00

Online                   $1,763.40
Building Fund          $50.00
Total:                   $7,323.40