Sunday November 5, 2023

Sunday November 5, 2023

Love God, Serve Others, Change the World
730 Steekee Street
Loudon, TN  37774
Phone 865-458-5790
Pastor Jon Henson

Morning Praise and Worship

Call to Worship
“Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee”  90
“Seek Ye First”  713

Welcome: Pastor Henson

 Celebration Hymns
“Footsteps of Jesus”  685
“’Day by Day”  718

Praise and Worship
“Today is the Day”
“Yes I Will”

Message from God’s Word
“When Life Is Uncertain”

Just As I Am”  488

Closing Celebration
“Change My Heart, O God”  654


Operation Christmas Child – Shoe Boxes!

Pack a shoebox and touch the lives of children and families all around the world, bringing hope through the Good News of Jesus Christ in the form of a simple gift. Boxes are in the foyer of the MAC and in the fellowship hall.  Inside the box is information on what to pack & the shoebox label.
Boxes need to be returned back to the church by Sunday, November 12th.
Our very own Jacob Watson helped a few years ago to deliver shoe boxes to children. He said the kids were so excited.  If you have any questions please see Amanda Watson or Leslie Bivens.

Mission News!

Please remember in prayer Tennessee Missions. The theme this year is:

 “All Things Tennessee”
“With God All Things Are Possible” Matthew 19:26

 Please help us pray for all the many missionaries and ministries throughout Tennessee. These special missionaries and those that help in these ministries give of their time and talents to help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ!
We will have our Love Offering for Missions in November, 2023.
*Prayer Guides are available on tables with bulletins.

Upward Basketball Sign-Ups

Evaluation and Orientation:

Pre-K thru 4th Grade boys and girls
Monday Nov. 6, 2023, between 6-8 PM
Thursday Nov. 9, 2023, between 6-8 PM
Everyone must attend one basketball evaluation.  They will take place in the Ministry Activities Center (MAC).

We encourage all children ages preschool through 4th grade to come join our team! So please share this information with your children, grandchildren, other family members, neighbors, and help us spread the word throughout the community!

Who to Contact:

If you have any questions, please Contact Jeff Harris:
Church office at 865-458-5790
Reach out on Facebook too!

Willing Workers Sunday School Class – Please meet Saturday, November 12th in the fellowship hall for a wonderful day of fellowship

Second Harvest Food Bank will be distributing food here on Friday, November 17th from 10:00am till 12:00pm.

Love Offering – We will have our annual Love Offering for Missions on Sunday Morning, November 19th. Please continue to pray for our Missionaries as they sacrifice so much and share the good news of Jesus Christ!

Take Note: There will be no church services on Wednesday, November 23rd.

THANK YOU – to those that donated candy & helped with a table for “Candy & Treats”.  We had a great night with the community!

Nursery & Children’s Church
Today – Sunday, November 5


 11:00am Worship – Dustin & Kasey Lyles
(Ages: Babies – 2 yrs.)

Children’s Church (Fellowship Hall)
 11:00am – Angie & Ian Tallent
(Ages 3yrs. – 2nd grade)

 Next Sunday, November 12
 11:00am Worship – Joy & Jeff Trout
(Ages: Babies – 2 yrs.)

Children’s Church (Fellowship Hall)
 11:00am – Leslie & Lucas Bivens
(Ages 3yrs. – 2nd grade)

In Loving Memory ~ A contribution has been made to our building fund in loving memory of Gordon Russell by the Loudon High School Class of 1959.  Thank you for this contribution to our church.

Weekly offering October 29, 2023

Regular Offering              $3,039.00
Building Fund                     $140.00
Regular                              $1,770.30
Building Fund                       $50.00

Total                                 $4,999.30