“Eternal Life”

“Eternal Life”

John 17:1-5

I.   What is eternal life?

  1. It includes not only quantity of life, but quality of life.
  2. The wise person will choose to live with Christ in eternity.
    Hebrews 9:27
    Ephesians 2:1
  3. The focus of eternal life is not on a place, but on a relationship with God through Jesus.

II.  No second chance after death

III. Eternal life is a gift from God

  1. It is a gift.
    Romans 6:23
  2. It is not based on good deeds.
  3. It is gained through trust in Christ.
    Acts 16:31

IV. How can I possess eternal life?

  1. Agree with God about Jesus
    1 John 5:8
  2. Be willing to accept Him as your personal Savior
    1 John 5:12
    John 1:12