Sunday October 20, 2024

Sunday October 20, 2024

Love God, Serve Others, Change the World
730 Steekee Street
Loudon, TN  37774
Phone 865-458-5790
Pastor Jon Henson

Morning Praise and Worship

Call to Worship
“O How I Love Jesus” 92
“Seek Ye First
” 713

Welcome: Pastor Henson

Celebration Hymns
“Footsteps of Jesus” 685
“Surely Goodness and Mercy
” 691

Celebration Hymns
“Come, Jesus, Come
” 691

Message From God’s Word
 Pastor Henson
“How Do I Face The Future?”
Ecclesiastes 8:7

Just As I Am” 488

Closing Celebration
“There’s Something About That Name”  391

Team Kid Fall Fun Night – Kids join us on Wednesday, October 23rd at 6:00pm for a fun –filled evening of crafts, games & pizza!

October is “Pastor Appreciation Month”.  We are very thankful for Pastor Jon & Nancy.    They are a blessing to our church and community.  Let them know how much you appreciate him and all he does for our church. Continue to pray for Pastor Jon, his family, and our church.

Candy & Treats Community Event!

 All children are invited to our annual “Candy & Treats Community Event” on Thursday, October 31st here at our church in the MAC!
Children are welcome to come between 6:00pm – 7:30pm for treats and fun!
We have a sign –up sheet posted in the foyer of the MAC for those that want to participate and do a table.  It would be great if we had tables lined up all around the MAC!

We Need Your Help! We want to have a CANDY DRIVE during the month of October. We have so many children come to this event. Even though everyone that participates brings candy, we still need more.
There will be containers in the MAC, and in the fellowship hall to drop off candy. Deadline to bring candy will be Wednesday, October 30thThanks for your help!

Mission News!

Please remember in prayer Tennessee Missions. The theme this year is “All Things Tennessee”.

Please help us pray for all the many missionaries and ministries throughout Tennessee. These special missionaries and those that help in these ministries give of their time and talents to help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ!

We will have our Love Offering for Missions in November, 2024. 

*Prayer Guides are available in the MAC on tables with bulletins.

Special Offering:
We have been receiving an offering for our special project fund. Our goal is to raise $30,000 for a new air conditioner unit for the MAC/gym.
To date, we have received $21,587 of our goal of $30,000. thank you so much for giving so generously!

~ In Loving Memory ~

A contribution has been made to our church in loving memory of Christine Wells & Beverly Baines by Kim West, Rhonda Tallent, Leslie Bivens and families. Thank you for these contributions.

Nursery & Children’s Church
Today, Sunday, October 20th

 11:00am – Lucinda & Carissa Wayman
(Ages: Babies – 2 yrs.)

Children’s Church (Fellowship Hall)
11:00am – Jennifer Henderson & Lori Beaty
(Ages 3yrs. – 2nd grade)

 Next Sunday, October 27th
 11:00am Worship – Jaida Grady & Katie Belvin
(Ages: Babies – 2 yrs.)

Children’s Church (Fellowship Hall)
 11:00am – JLeslie, Lucas & Blair Bivens
(Ages 3yrs. – 2nd grade)

Weekly offering October 13, 2024
Regular Offering        $4,223.00
Special Offering            $100.00
Honduras                       $100.00
Bus                                    $85.00
Building Fund            $695.00
Regular Offering       $2,014.20
Building Fund             1,072.00
Total                          $8,189.20