Love God, Serve Others, Change the World
730 Steekee Street
Loudon, TN 37774
Phone 865-458-5790
Pastor Jon Henson
Morning Praise and Worship
Call to Worship
“Redeemed” 356
“Victory In Jesus” 353
Welcome: Pastor Henson
Celebration Hymns
“He Lifted Me” 509
“Jesus Is All the World To Me” 512
Praise & Worship
“Goodness of God”
“What He’s Done”
Message From God’s Word
Pastor Henson
“The Goodness of God”
Psalm 118:1
“Just As I Am” 488
Closing Celebration
“Take the Name of Jesus with You” 235
Upcoming Events!
Baby Dedication – Today Sunday, November 3rd
Welcome to those attending our Baby Dedication Service! Children are a great blessing to our families. God is trusting you with a precious gift & He will guide you on this wonderful journey.
May God bless each child & family today.
Please remember these families in your prayers.
Baptism – Sunday, November 17th
Dinner honoring Pastor Jon & Nancy on Sunday, November 17th at 5:00pm
Lord’s Supper – Sunday, November 24th
Come Join Us! Please join us for a dinner honoring Pastor Jon & Nancy on Sunday, November 17th at 5:00pm in the MAC. We invite you to share in this special fellowship and dinner.
The church will provide the meat, beverages, and paper goods; please bring your favorite casserole, vegetable dish, or dessert to share. If you have any questions, please contact Bonnie Wear.
Mission News!
Please remember in prayer Tennessee Missions. The theme this year is “All Things Tennessee”.
Please help us pray for all the many missionaries and ministries throughout Tennessee. These special missionaries and those that help in these ministries give of their time and talents to help spread the gospel of Jesus Christ!
We will have our Love Offering for Missions in November, 2024.
*Prayer Guides are available in the MAC on tables with bulletins.
Willing Workers Sunday School Class – Please meet Saturday, November 9th at 11:30am in the fellowship hall for a wonderful afternoon of fellowship.
Hostess Committee Meeting – Please meet Sunday, November 10th at 10:30am in the fellowship hall.
Can You Help? On Sunday, November 17th after our worship service. We will need some help setting up tables for the dinner that evening.
Upward News!
Upward Evaluations are Monday, November 4 & Thursday, November 7 from 6:00-8:00 pm each night.
Due to the increased number of early sign-ups we will need a large number of volunteer helpers.
We need Greeters, Registration Volunteers, Basketball Drill Volunteers and Court Monitors.
If you would be willing to help one night or both nights please sign-up on the sign-up sheet posted on the bulletin board in the hallway of the MAC. I will need all volunteers to show up each night no later than 5:30 pm in order to get prepared for the players and their parents.
The registration cost per child for Basketball is $65.
You can register on our website ( ) or at evaluation.
Deadline for Registration is 11/15/2024
If you need additional information please see Jeff Harris.
Thank You
Dear Church family,
Thank you so much for your love, support and many acts of kindness during the passing of my mama. I appreciate you all more than you will ever know.
With love, Kim Capshaw
Dear Church family,
Thank you for your many acts of kindness during the passing of Christina. Clyde Wells and family.
Nursery & Children’s Church
Today, Sunday, November 3rd
11:00am – Sara Harris & Hallie Presley
(Ages: Babies – 2 yrs.)
Children’s Church (Fellowship Hall)
11:00am – Leslie, Lucas & Blair Bivens
(Ages 3yrs. – 2nd grade)
Next Sunday, November 10th
11:00am Worship –
(Ages: Babies – 2 yrs.)
Children’s Church (Fellowship Hall)
11:00am –
(Ages 3yrs. – 2nd grade)
Weekly offering October 27, 2024
Regular Offering $3,089.00
Property & Grounds $91.35
Building Fund $200.00
Regular Offering $2,555.40
Building Fund 177.75
Total $6,113.50