Worship (Page 10)

Worship (Page 10)

Join us in-person or on our live stream this Sunday at 11:00 am!

Watch our past services and view sermon outlines…click on the links below:

“Strength in Times of Sifting”

Luke 22:31-34 I.    Your adversary will sift you We are sifted by doubts We are sifted by desires We are sifted by disappointments We are sifted by deceit  II.   Your abilities will sabotage you Self-confidence Prayerlessness Fleshly courage  III.  Your actions will surprise you Peter did not expect to deny Jesus Christ Peter learned when he failed that failure is not final IV.  Your advocate will secure you Jesus prays for us Jesus understands us Jesus has compassion for…

“How to Make it Through the Storm”

Habakkuk 2:1-4 The first step is to have proper perspective The second step is patience The third step is promise The fourth step is participation The fifth step is perception When you are confused wait on God – He keeps His word. When it seems like the bad guys are wining and the good guys are losing and you think all your goodness has been for nothing you watch for God – He will bring justice. When you think all…

“God, I Have a Question”

October 2, 2022 – – Habakkuk 1:1-3 – – When we don’t understand what God is doing, we need to remember who God is. Three lessons to remember: When I don’t think God is listening, He is. When I don’t think God has a plan, He does. When I think things are out of control, they’re not.

“God Will Make a Way”

—Sunday September 25, 2022 — Psalm 77:19-20 Keep your eyes on the Lord and pray (Ex 14:10) Stay calm and confident, and give God time to work (Ex 14:13-14) When unsure, just take the next logical step by faith (Ex 14:15) Envision God’s presence (Ex 14:19-20) Trust God to deliver in His own unique way (Ex 14:21-29)

“The Purpose of It All”

–September 18, 2022– Job 42:1-6 We can trust God no matter what happens to us. God always writes the last chapter. We must not misinterpret this final chapter in the book of Job and conclude that every trial will end with all problems solved, all hard feelings forgiven, and everybody living happily ever after. It just doesn’t always happen that way. Lesson from Job about trust: T – Tell God how you feel R – Remember God will never stop…

“How God Uses Pain”

2 Corinthians 12:5-10 I.   God uses pain to reveal our spiritual condition (Verses 5-6)  II.  God uses pain to make us humble (Verse 7) III. God uses pain to draw us to Himself (Verse 8) IV. God uses pain to display His grace (Verse 9) V.  God uses pain to perfect His power (Verses 9-10)

“Reasons to Trust God with Your Life”

Psalm 31:14 Who do you trust? What happens when you trust something other than God? 1.  You’re disappointed. 2.  You’re controlled by something else. Why is it difficult to trust God? Is God trustworthy? Yes, He is. Here’s why:  Why should you trust God with your life? I.   Because God always tells the truth (Hebrews 6:18) II.  Because He loves you (1 John 4:16,18) III, Because He is in control (Romans 8:28) IV. Because He will help you (Proverbs 3:5-6)

“Your Timing Is Everything”

Ecclesiastes 8:6 I.  When should I move fast? When God tells me to do something (Mark 1:17-18) When I feel tempted (1 Timothy 6:11) (1 Corinthians 10:14) (1 Corinthians 6:18) When I’ve made a promise to God (Ecclesiastes 5:4) When I have an opportunity to do good (Proverbs 3:27) When God offers me salvation (2 Corinthians 6:2) Proverbs 14:29 “It’s smart to be patient” II.  When should I move slow? When I don’t have all the facts (Proverbs 19:2) (Proverbs…