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“God Is Greater Than Our Fears”
Sunday July 31, 2022 — Isaiah 41:10 Five promises upon which we can release our fear and stand in peaceful confident faith: I. I am with you II. I am your God III. I will strengthen you IV. I will help you V. I will uphold you with my righteous hand
“The Believers Warfare”
7/24/2022 – – Ephesians 6:10-13 I. The Preparation (Verse 10) – Strength in the Lord II. The Provision (Verse 11) – The armor of God III. The Enemy (Verse 11) – Satan IV. The Battle (Verse 13) – Against demons V. The Victory (Verse 13) – In standing firm
“Honduras Mission Trip Share Service”
Good Shepard Children’s Home Baptist Medical and Dental Mission International Rice Bowls
“Developing Your Patience”
Galatians 5:22 Introduction: (Proverbs 16:32) I. Four ways to test your patience Interruptions Inconveniences Irritations Inactivity (Proverbs 19:2) II. Four ways to develop your patience Develop a new perspective (Proverbs 19:11) Wisdom is seeing life from God’s point of view. From God’s perspective we gain 3 important insights: (1) We’re only human (2) Nobody else is perfect (3) God is in control (Proverbs 20:24) and (Proverbs 14:29) 2. Develop a sense of humor (Proverbs 14:30) (Proverbs 17:22)…
“Four Questions for America”
Jeremiah 8 I. Why has this people slidden back? (Jeremiah 8:5) (Jeremiah 8:8-9) (Jeremiah 2:27) II. Why do we sit still? (Jeremiah 8:14) III. Why have they provoked Me to anger? (Jeremiah 8:19) (2 Chronicles 28:19) IV. Why then is there no recovery? (Jeremiah 8:22) (Jeremiah 6:16)
“The Question for Our Time”
Matthew 16:13-17 – – I. A Question of Public Consensus (Verse 13) II. A Question of Personal Conviction (Verse 15)
“A Picture of Our Heavenly Father”
Luke 15:11-32
“An Open Invitation to Come to Jesus”
Matthew 11:28-30 I. Come – Come to Jesus (Verse 28) (John 6:37) II. Take – Give up control (Verse 29) III. Learn – Learn to trust (Verse 29)
“Nowhere Else to Go”
John 6:66-68 Truth has three characteristics: I. Truth is Consistent II. Truth is Universal III. Truth is Rooted in Evidence We accept Christ by faith, but it is faith supported by evidence. Why Christ? Why is He unique, separate from all others? Because of what He did Because of what He taught Because of who He claimed to be
“Memorial Day 2022”
Daniel 5 Babylon made four major mistakes: They lost the sense of remembrance They lost all sense of reality They lost all sense of restraint They lost all sense of respect Four dangers facing America: There are some alarming similarities between ancient Babylon and modern America. I. The Danger of Losing All Sense of Remembrance (Daniel 5:18-23) (1 Corinthians 10:12) II. The Danger of Losing All Sense of Reality (Daniel 5:1) III. The Danger of Losing All Sense of…
“While Walking on the Water, Peter Sank”
Matthew 14:22-36 Key Take Away: When we go through the storm, we can rest on five assurances from our Lord. I. We can rest on the assurance of His authority (Verses 22-23) II. We can rest on the assurance of His knowledge (Verses 24-25) III. We can rest on the assurance His protection (Verses 26-27) IV. We can rest on the assurance His love (Verses 28-31) V. We can rest on the assurance His power (Verse 32)
“Meeting the Master”
May 15, 2022 – – John 1:35-42 I. Christ knows who we are (Verse 42) II. Christ know who we can become (Verse 42) III. Christ can change us (Verse 42) (John 3:3) (John 1:11-12)