Worship (Page 2)

Worship (Page 2)

Join us in-person or on our live stream this Sunday at 11:00 am!

Watch our past services and view sermon outlines…click on the links below:

“How Do I Face the Future?”

Ecclesiastes 8:7 I. What not to do 1. Don’t presume about tomorrow Proverbs 27:11 2. Don’t panic about tomorrow Matthew 6:34 3. Don’t procrastinate about tomorrow Ecclesiastes 11:4 II. How to face an uncertain future God’s advice to Joshua Joshua 1:1-11 1. Set up a plan Joshua 1:2-3 Joshua 1:11 Proverbs 20:18 Proverbs 16:9 2. Stay in the Word Joshua 1:7-8 Proverbs 16:1 3. Step out in faith Joshua 1:6,7,9 Joshua 3:15

“Understanding the Seasons in Life”

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 Five facts about the seasons of life: 1. They are beyond my control Daniel 2:21 2. They are often confusing Ecclesiastes 3:11 3. God has a purpose for each season Romans 8:28 4. The seasons include both good and bad times Ecclesiastes 3:2-8 5. What I sow in one season, I’ll reap in another Galatians 6:9 How to make the most of each season: 4 Questions to Ask: 1. What can I learn in this season of life?…

“Keep Believing”

Hebrews 11:1-2 I. Abraham Hebrews 11:8 Genesis 12:4 II. Everything involves risk III. Against all hope Genesis 15:5-6 Romans 4:18-21 IV. Faith in God’s character Hebrews 11:19 V. The big picture Genesis 22:14

“The Choices We Make: Abraham”

Hebrews 11:8-19 I. The Patience of Faith Hebrews 11:8-10 Abraham believed and obeyed when he did not know where he was going. II. The Power of Faith Hebrews 11:11-12 Romans 4:13-15 Abraham believed and obeyed when he did not know how God’s will would be accomplished. III. The Positive Attitude of Faith Hebrews 11:13-16 Abraham believed and obeyed when he did not know when God would fulfill His promise. IV. The Proof of Faith Hebrews 11:17-19 Abraham believed and obeyed…

“Choices We Make – The Rich Young Ruler”

Matthew 19:16-22 The Great Refusal Question: How can I have eternal life? Know what you want Matthew 19:20 Matthew 19:22 Luke 18:18 Have a deep-felt need Matthew 19:16 Matthew 19:20 Seek diligently Matthew 19:16 Mark 10:17 Come to the right source 1 John 5:11 and 5:20 Mark 10:17 Luke 18:18 Ask the right question John 6:28-29 Confess your sinfulness Matthew 19:17-20 Matthew 5:21-23 Matthew 19:20 Mark 10:21 2 Peter 3:9 Submit to the Lord Matthew 5:21-22 Luke 19:1-6

“Choices We Make”

Joshua 24:15 I. We must make a choice between two ways II. We must make a choice between two masters III. You must make that choice yourself

“Growing in Our Adversity”

2 Peter 3:18 I. Spiritual growth in adversity depends on two things Our understanding of God’s purpose for it Our response to adversity II. God’s goal for our adversity is our spiritual growth Adversity is the Lord’s most effective way of deepening our faith and commitment to Him. 1 Peter 1:6-7 The area of adversity in our lives is where God is working to bring us to spiritual maturity. Romans 5:3-5 III. Our responses to adversity reveal something about us…

“Spiritual Warfare”

Ephesians 6:10-13 I. Who we fight We fight a spiritual battle against the devil and the forces of evil Ephesians 6:11-12 II. What we fight The schemes of the devil or basically the lies of the devil Ephesians 6:11 1. Temptation 2. Accusations III. How we fight Two things you must do: 1. Know what particular scheme the devil uses against you Ephesians 6:11 2. Put on the full armor of God Ephesians 6:11 • Be strong Ephesians 6:10-13 •…

“Living in God’s Strength”

Ephesians 6:10-13 I. We gain strength through God’s Word Psalm 119:28 II. We gain strength from worship Psalm 21:13 Psalm 59:17 Habakkuk 3:17-19 III. We gain strength by waiting Psalm 27:14 Isaiah 40:30-31 IV. We gain strength through weakness 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 2 Timothy 4:17

“When The Odds Are Against You”

2 Chronicles 20 5 Steps of Faith: Step 1: Turn to God first 2 Chronicles 20:1,3 Step 2: Talk to God about the problem 2 Chronicles 20:5-6 Remind myself of who God is 2 Chronicles 20:6 Remind myself of what God has done in the past 2 Chronicles 20:7 Ask God for help now 2 Chronicles 20:12 Step 3: Tell God exactly how you feel 2 Chronicles 20:12 Step 4: Trust God to help you 2 Chronicles 20:12 God’s Response:…

“Waiting on God’s Timing”

Isaiah 64:4 I.  Our choices when we must wait We can manipulate the circumstances We can quit and walk away We can wait and watch God work II. Requirements for waiting on God Trust Humility Patience Courage We need courage to resist three things (1). The temptation to follow our schedule (2). The temptation of the pressure of others (3). The temptation to be afraid III. Consequences of failing to wait We step out of the will of God We…