Worship (Page 4)

Worship (Page 4)

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Watch our past services and view sermon outlines…click on the links below:

“Rock or Sand”

Matthew 7:24-27 I.  The similarities in the two builders Both builders have heard the gospel. They both proceeded to build a house after they heard the way of salvation. Both builders build their houses in the same general location. They both built the same kind of house. II. The differences between the two builders The wise man built his house on the rock. The foolish man bult his house on the sand.

“Life’s Greatest Decision”

Matthew 7:13-14 1.  The Two Gates John 14:6 John 10:9 Acts 4:12 2 Peter 3:9 2. The Two Ways Proverbs 14:12 Jeremiah 29:13 3. The Two Destinations Jeremiah 21:8 2 Thessalonians 1:9 4. The Two Groups

“Believe God’s Promises and Wait on Him”

Psalm 37:1-9 I.   The Lord can be trusted Psalm 37:1-11 Trust in the Lord (Verses 3) Delight in the Lord (Verse 4) Commit your way to the Lord (Verse 5) Rest in the Lord (Verse 7) Wait on the Lord (7) II.   The Lord understands your situation Psalm 37:12-20  III. The Lord blesses His people Psalm37:21-31 His provision of their daily needs (Verses 21-22) His protection (Verses 23-24) His presence with His people (Verses 25-26)  IV.  The Lord judges the…

“A Living Hope”

1 Peter 1:3 I. You have God’s power Psalm 62:11 1 Chronicles 29:11 Ephesians 1:18-20 II. You have God’s promises 1 Peter 1:23-24 III. You have God’s purpose

“The Message of the Resurrection”

– -Easter Sunday March 31, 2024 – – He Is Risen! Luke 24:1-9 I. The first message is that Christ is alive Hebrews 10:12 II. The second message of the resurrection is that our sins have been forgiven, and we’re eternally secure in Christ Ephesians 1:7 III. The third message of the resurrection is that believers live forever John 6:37-40 IV. The fourth message is our bodily resurrection John 11:25-26 2 Corinthians 5:6 V.  The fifth message of the resurrection…

“The Message of the Cross”

1 Corinthians 2:1-5 I. The cross was part of God’s plan 1 Peter 1:19-21 Ephesians 1:4-5 The cross was motivated by three things: 1. The sinfulness of mankind Romans 3:23 2. God’s love Romans 5:8 3. God’s justice Romans 6:23 II. The cross is the heart of the Christian life Hebrews 9:24-26 III. The cross covers everything Luke 23:42-43

“The Trial of Jesus Christ”

Matthew 26:57-68 Key take Away: When life isn’t fair, trust God to do what is right.  1.  Trust God Matthew 26:62-63 1 Peter 2:23 Matthew 26:64 Ecclesiastes 3:7  2.  Tell the Truth Matthew 26:63-64

“A Place Called Gethsemane”

— Sunday March 10, 2024 — Matthew 26:36-44 Introduction: John 18:4 I. Gethsemane time involves seeking the will of God Matthew 26:39,42,44 Luke 2:49 John 4:34 John 6:38 John 5:30 II. Gethsemane time includes struggling with the will of God Matthew 26:38 Luke 22:44 Matthew 10:28 Matthew 26:39 III. Gethsemane time invites surrendering to the will of God Matthew 26:39 Matthew 26:42

“The Seeking Savior”

Luke 19:1-10 I. Lost II. Seek Ezekiel 34:11,16 III. Save Matthew 1:21 1 John 3:5 Justification Ephesians 2:8-9 Sanctification 1 Corinthians 1:18 Glorification Romans 5:10

“God Has Not Forsaken You”

 – – Lamentations 3:22-23 Introduction Proverbs 20:6 Numbers 23:19 Psalm 119:90 Deuteronomy 7:9 Joshua 23:14 What does God’s faithfulness mean to us? I.  Because God is faithful, we can have confidence when we pray Psalm 143:1 Psalm 50:15 Psalm 91:15 Jeremiah 29:12 II. Because God is faithful, we can conquer evil and temptation 2 Thessalonians 3:3 Matthew 6:13 2 Timothy 2:13 1 John 1:9 III. Because God is faithful, we can praise Him Psalm 89:1 Psalm 89:5 Psalm 89:8 IV.…

“When You Feel Like Giving Up”

Selected Scripture Hebrews 11-12 Hebrews 11:35-40 Faith doesn’t spare us from all pain. Some of God’s promises will be fulfilled in eternity. We are runners in a historical race. Hebrews 12:1-4 What to do when you feel like giving up: 1. Remember heaven is watching me Hebrews 12:1 Job 31:4 2. I must eliminate what doesn’t matter in my life Hebrews 12:1 Weights Sins 3. Run God’s race for me Hebrews 12:1 4. Focus on Jesus not my circumstances Hebrews…

“The Patmos Principle”

Revelation 1:9-10 The Patmos Principle – It’s not where you are; it’s whose you are. Three things we see on Patmos: Liability Limitations Loneliness Revelation 21:1, “and there was no more sea” Romans 8:35, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?”