Sermons from July 2024

Sermons from July 2024

“Waiting on God’s Timing”

Isaiah 64:4 I.  Our choices when we must wait We can manipulate the circumstances We can quit and walk away We can wait and watch God work II. Requirements for waiting on God Trust Humility Patience Courage We need courage to resist three things (1). The temptation to follow our schedule (2). The temptation of the pressure of others (3). The temptation to be afraid III. Consequences of failing to wait We step out of the will of God We…

“God Can Help You Through any Problem”

Psalm 37:1-9 I. Trust in the Lord Psalm 37:3 II. Delight in the Lord Psalm 37:4 Romans 12:17-21 Isaiah 26:3 III. Commit your way to the Lord Psalm 37:5 Psalm 10:14 Psalm 55:22 1 Peter 5:7 IV. Rest in the Lord Psalm 37:7-9 Proverbs 24:19 Psalm 73:17-20 V. Wait on the Lord Psalm 37:7

“Eternal Life”

John 17:1-5 I.   What is eternal life? It includes not only quantity of life, but quality of life. The wise person will choose to live with Christ in eternity. Hebrews 9:27 Ephesians 2:1 The focus of eternal life is not on a place, but on a relationship with God through Jesus. II.  No second chance after death III. Eternal life is a gift from God It is a gift. Romans 6:23 It is not based on good deeds. It is…