Sermons from 2024 (Page 4)
“The Message of the Resurrection”
– -Easter Sunday March 31, 2024 – – He Is Risen! Luke 24:1-9 I. The first message is that Christ is alive Hebrews 10:12 II. The second message of the resurrection is that our sins have been forgiven, and we’re eternally secure in Christ Ephesians 1:7 III. The third message of the resurrection is that believers live forever John 6:37-40 IV. The fourth message is our bodily resurrection John 11:25-26 2 Corinthians 5:6 V. The fifth message of the resurrection…
“The Message of the Cross”
1 Corinthians 2:1-5 I. The cross was part of God’s plan 1 Peter 1:19-21 Ephesians 1:4-5 The cross was motivated by three things: 1. The sinfulness of mankind Romans 3:23 2. God’s love Romans 5:8 3. God’s justice Romans 6:23 II. The cross is the heart of the Christian life Hebrews 9:24-26 III. The cross covers everything Luke 23:42-43
“The Trial of Jesus Christ”
Matthew 26:57-68 Key take Away: When life isn’t fair, trust God to do what is right. 1. Trust God Matthew 26:62-63 1 Peter 2:23 Matthew 26:64 Ecclesiastes 3:7 2. Tell the Truth Matthew 26:63-64
“A Place Called Gethsemane”
— Sunday March 10, 2024 — Matthew 26:36-44 Introduction: John 18:4 I. Gethsemane time involves seeking the will of God Matthew 26:39,42,44 Luke 2:49 John 4:34 John 6:38 John 5:30 II. Gethsemane time includes struggling with the will of God Matthew 26:38 Luke 22:44 Matthew 10:28 Matthew 26:39 III. Gethsemane time invites surrendering to the will of God Matthew 26:39 Matthew 26:42
“The Seeking Savior”
Luke 19:1-10 I. Lost II. Seek Ezekiel 34:11,16 III. Save Matthew 1:21 1 John 3:5 Justification Ephesians 2:8-9 Sanctification 1 Corinthians 1:18 Glorification Romans 5:10
“God Has Not Forsaken You”
– – Lamentations 3:22-23 Introduction Proverbs 20:6 Numbers 23:19 Psalm 119:90 Deuteronomy 7:9 Joshua 23:14 What does God’s faithfulness mean to us? I. Because God is faithful, we can have confidence when we pray Psalm 143:1 Psalm 50:15 Psalm 91:15 Jeremiah 29:12 II. Because God is faithful, we can conquer evil and temptation 2 Thessalonians 3:3 Matthew 6:13 2 Timothy 2:13 1 John 1:9 III. Because God is faithful, we can praise Him Psalm 89:1 Psalm 89:5 Psalm 89:8 IV.…
“When You Feel Like Giving Up”
Selected Scripture Hebrews 11-12 Hebrews 11:35-40 Faith doesn’t spare us from all pain. Some of God’s promises will be fulfilled in eternity. We are runners in a historical race. Hebrews 12:1-4 What to do when you feel like giving up: 1. Remember heaven is watching me Hebrews 12:1 Job 31:4 2. I must eliminate what doesn’t matter in my life Hebrews 12:1 Weights Sins 3. Run God’s race for me Hebrews 12:1 4. Focus on Jesus not my circumstances Hebrews…
“The Patmos Principle”
Revelation 1:9-10 The Patmos Principle – It’s not where you are; it’s whose you are. Three things we see on Patmos: Liability Limitations Loneliness Revelation 21:1, “and there was no more sea” Romans 8:35, “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?”
“You Can’t Keep a Good Man Down”
Jonah 2:1-10 I. A man of prayer II. A man of purpose III. A man of praise IV. A man of perception
“God is Greater than our Circumstances”
I. The circumstances behind us Nehemiah 2:1-3 II. The circumstances before us Nehemiah 2:4-18 His opportunity Verses 4-10 His Situation Verses 11-16 His perspective Verses 17-18 III. The circumstances within us Nehemiah 2:3-4 Nehemiah 2:19-20
“Building a Better Future”
Nehemiah 1:1-11 Four steps in getting started in building a better future. Making an honest evaluation Nehemiah 1:1-3 Identifying with the need Nehemiah 1:4 Taking personal responsibility Nehemiah 1:5-11 Moving out of my comfort zone Nehemiah 1:11
“God’s Promises About Your Future”
Selected Scriptures I. Facts about my future God knows everything that is going to happen God’s plan for my future is good I must choose to trust and obey God God will be with me in every situation II. Promises of God for my future God promises to guide me when I am confused Proverbs 3:5-6 God promises to help me when I am tempted 1 Corinthians 10:13 2 Thessalonians 3:3 God promises to support me when I am in…