Love God, Serve Others, Change the World
730 Steekee Street
Loudon, TN 37774
Phone 865-458-5790
Morning Praise and Worship
Call to Worship
“I Know Whom I Have Believed” 527
“Victory in Jesus” 353
Welcome: Charles Henderson
Celebration Hymns
“Higher Ground” 549
“Whiter Than Snow” 653
Praise & Worship
“Blessed Assurance”
“I Stand Amazed (How Marvelous)”
Message from God’s Word
Bro. Henderson
“Wake Up and Get Dressed”
Romans 13:11-14
“Only Trust Him” 480
Closing Celebration
“Change My Heart, O God” 654
Upward News!
Ministry Opportunity – During Upward there are many ways to minister and help on Saturdays. You can come sit in the stands, fellowship with visitors, greet people at the front door, work in the concession stand, or help clean up at the end of the day.
We are very thankful for our volunteers who help through the week, and every Saturday.
If you would like to volunteer, please see Jeff Harris.
Please continue to pray for all our children, youth, coaches, referees and volunteers that participate or help each week in Upward.
Games are each Saturday, 9am-2pm, January 4th – February 22nd
Summer Camp!
We love taking kids to camp because of the awesome impact just one week can have in the life of a camper. The focus at camp is all about making sure no child leaves camp without a life-changing encounter with Christ. The staff and our church leaders will spend the week helping kids understand that God has a plan for us and desires a relationship with us.
If you have any questions, please see Jennifer Henderson or Jeff Harris.
Children’s Camp (3rd – 6th grade)
June 21-24
Carson Springs, Newport, TN
Cost per camper: $100
Teen Camp (6th – 12th grade)
July 7-11
Fort Bluff
Dayton, TN
Cost per Camper: $100
A sign-up sheet will be posted in the foyer of the fellowship hall soon. Deadline to sign-up and pay the $100 fee is February 23rd.
Pastor Search Committee
Jeff Harris Leslie Bivens
Chad Presley Amanda Watson
Michael Grady Beverly Prince
Dustin Lyles
Please keep these individuals in your prayers and reach out to them with your questions and recommendations.
Nursery & Children’s Church
Today, Sunday, January 19th
11:00am Worship – Sarah Harris & Hallie Presley
(Ages: Babies – 2 yrs.)
Children’s Church (Fellowship Hall)
11:00am – Jennifer Henderson, Loru Beaty, Maribeth Watson
(Ages 3yrs. – 2nd grade)
Next Sunday, January 26th
11:00am Worship – Jaida Grady & Katie Blevin
(Ages: Babies – 2 yrs.)
Children’s Church (Fellowship Hall)
11:00am – Kari Presley & Jackson
(Ages 3yrs. – 2nd grade)
Weekly offering January 5, 2024
Regular Offering $3,232.52
Honduras $2,522.00
Building Fund $1,415.00
Regular Offering $3,080.54
Missions $102.20
Building Fund $210.00
Total $10,562.23