Sunday May 12, 2024

Sunday May 12, 2024

Love God, Serve Others, Change the World
730 Steekee Street
Loudon, TN  37774
Phone 865-458-5790
Pastor Jon Henson

Morning Praise and Worship
“We Have Come to Join in Worship”  207
“Peace Like A River”   750

Call to Worship

Video: “Thanks Mom”
“All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name”  43
“I Sing Praises”  5

Welcome: Pastor Henson
Recognition of Mothers:  Pastor Henson
Baby Dedication:  Pastor Henson

Celebration Hymns
“My Savior’s Love”   348
“Redeemed”  356

Praise & Worship
“Today is the Day”
“He Knows My Name”

Message from God’s Word
“The Next Generation”
Psalms 78:1-8

Invitation to Respond to God’s Word
Just As I Am” 488

Closing Celebration
Because He Lives”  358

Proverbs 31:31
“Honor her for all that her
hands have done, and
let her works bring her
praise at the city gate.”

Happy Mother’s Day – Special welcome to all the mothers here today. Thank you for loving us & all you do to inspire us daily. We hope you have a wonderful day!

Welcome to those attending our Baby Dedication Service! Babies are a great blessing to our families. God is trusting you with a precious gift & He will guide you on this wonderful journey. May God bless each baby & family today. Please remember these families in your prayers.

Soul Sisters/Ladies Night Out! Please join us on Thursday, May 16 at 6:30pm in the fellowship hall. We will enjoy a night with a devotion, fun activities and door prizes! Childcare will be provided.

Second Harvest Food Bank mobile pantry will distribute food here, Friday May 17th at 10am-12pm (or until all allotted food has been given out).

(Blairland Baptist Church)

Saturday, May 18, 2024 8:30am – 3:00pm
Providing no charge primary care and other medical services to the uninsured.

Graduate Recognition Service Sunday, May 19th at 11:00am
We will be recognizing our graduates on Sunday, May 19th during the 11:00am worship service. We ask that if you want to participate in this service please sign up in the foyer of the MAC by Sunday, May 12th, or call the church office by Monday, May 13th (865-458-5790).If you have any questions see Jeff Harris or Leslie Bivens.

Honduras Mission Trip: June 7th – 14th, 2024

Vacation Bible School: Monday June 17– Wednesday June 19, 2024

KIDS CAMP! June 22 – 25, 2024

Nursery & Children’s Church
Today, Sunday, May 12

 11:00am Worship – Jeff & Joy Trout
(Ages: Babies – 2 yrs.)

Children’s Church (Fellowship Hall)
 11:00am – Leslie, Lucas & Blair Bivens
(Ages 3yrs. – 2nd grade)

 Next Sunday, May 19
 11:00am Worship – Lucinda Wayman & Sheila Watson
(Ages: Babies – 2 yrs.)

Children’s Church (Fellowship Hall)
 11:00am – Jaida Grady & Katie Belvin
(Ages 3yrs. – 2nd grade)

Weekly offering May 5, 2024
Regular Offering    $7,111.00
Honduras                   $155.00
Building Fund         $1,495.00
Regular                   $4,557.20
Honduras                  $250.00
Building Fund          $160.00

Total                     $13,728.20